Educação - Pesquisa Científica

Participe dos projetos de pesquisa apoiados pela LBE.
Pesquisa para médicos - Epilepsia e contracepção
Olá! Certamente você, médico(a), já ouviu falar sobre a relação entre anticoncepção e epilepsia. Mas, o quão apto você se sente para orientar esse grupo de pacientes? Pensando nisso, desenvolvemos um projeto de pesquisa, aprovado pelo comitê de ética (CAAE: 79579324.3.0000.5479), visando entender as principais lacunas nesse cenário e melhorar a assistência médica para as nossas pacientes. Assim, gostaríamos de te convidar a responder esse rápido questionário, respeitando o seu anonimato. Obrigada por ajudar!
Autores: Dra. Cristine Mella Cukiert ( & Dra. Leticia Machado Dumont (
International Survey on Cognitive Rehabilitation in Epilepsy (CoRE)
Cognitive dysfunction is a frequent and burdensome issue for people with epilepsy. Despite continuous improvements in tools used to assess and understand the impact of cognitive disorders across the spectrum of epileptic disorders, interventions used to remediate cognitive dysfunction remain limited and heterogeneous. Moreover, their applicability in culturally and economically diverse real-world clinical settings is unknown.
This survey intends to gather information about the state of cognitive rehabilitation in various countries. Resulting data is expected to provide directions for the design of novel programs of cognitive rehabilitation with the hope to advance their harmonization and future implementation in clinical settings.
The survey consists of 23 questions and will require up to 15 minutes for completion.
ILAE Survey on Genetic Testing in the Epilepsies
Genetic testing in the epilepsies continues to gain importance, however access differs significantly across healthcare settings. This ILAE survey seeks to establish the state of genetic testing worldwide. We hope that this work will allow us to gain a better understanding of genetic testing practices internationally and enable us to give recommendations tailored to the socio-economic situations across different countries and regions.
Please complete this survey even if you currently do not have access to genetic testing as we would like to learn about any barriers to genetic testing worldwide.
AUTORES: ILAE task force on clinical genetic testing, ILAE genetics commission.
Pesquisa Manejo de CNPEs no Brasil
Ajude-nos a caracterizar o atendimento a pessoas com CNEPs. Responda ao nosso questionário. CNEPs? Não sabe o que é? Explicamos no questionário. Participe, se você é Neurologista, Psicólogo ou Psiquiatra e atua na assistência à saúde.
- Não é requisito conhecer o tema nem ter experiência na área.
- 1 página, anônimo.
- 5min estimados.
- Vídeo informativo ao final.
ILAE Telemedicine Task Force Survey
Teleneurology (TN) is the application of telemedicine to all areas of neurology. During the COVID-19 pandemic, TN provided an alternative for accessing medical care for patients. With the relaxation of COVID-related restrictions, there has been marked variability in the utilization of TN across countries and regions. With this survey, the ILAE Telemedicine Task Force aims to better understand the evolving practice in clinical epilepsy before, during, and in the early stage of the post-COVID-19 pandemic era. We are collecting opinions from a wide, global audience to help ILAE play a more focused role in further advocating for TN in the future. Deadline for completion: 11 August.
Autor: ILAE Telemedicine Task Force

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